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by Ethan


将Web引擎融合到本机应用程序的新方法 (A New Approach for Blending Web Engine into Native Apps)

What if I told you the 7 lines of JSON above, colored in orange is all you need to turn a website into a mobile app? No need to rewrite your website using some framework API just to make it behave like a mobile app. Just bring your existing website as is, and blend it into a native app with a simple URL reference.

如果我告诉您上述JSON的7行(用橙色涂成橙色 ),将网站变成移动应用程序只需要什么? 无需使用某些框架API来重写您的网站,仅使它的行为类似于移动应用即可。 只需将您现有的网站保持原样,然后使用简单的URL引用将其混合到本机应用程序中即可。

And what if, just by tweaking the JSON markup a bit, you can access all the native APIs, native UI components, as well as native view transitions out of the box?


Here’s what a minimal example looks like in action:


Notice how I’ve embedded a but the rest of the layout is all native UI components, such as and the . And the transition is automatically native without you having to rewrite the website using any APIs.

请注意,我是如何嵌入但是其余的布局都是本机UI组件,例如和 。 并且过渡是自动的本机,而无需使用任何API重写网站。

Before I explain how, you may ask: “That’s cool, but can you do anything meaningful other than just displaying the web page in a native app frame?”


Great question, because that’s the main topic of this post. All you need to do is create a seamless 2-way communication channel between the web view and the app, so the parent app can trigger any JavaScript functions inside the web view and the web view can reach outside to call native APIs.

很好的问题,因为这是本文的主题。 您需要做的就是在Web视图和应用之间创建无缝的双向通讯渠道 ,以便父应用可以触发Web视图内部的任何JavaScript函数,并且Web视图可以到达外部以调用本地API。

Here’s one such example:


Note that this view contains:


  1. Native navigation header, complete with built-in transition functionality

  2. A Web view, which embeds a QR code generator web app

  3. A native chat input component at the bottom


All this can be described by just tweaking some of the JSON markup attributes we saw above.


Finally, note that the QR code changes as you enter something from the chat input. The chat input triggers a JavaScript function inside the QR code web app that re-generates the image.

最后,请注意,当您从聊天输入中输入内容时,QR码会更改。 聊天输入触发QR代码Web应用程序内JavaScript函数,该函数重新生成图像。

No app development framework has tried to fundamentally solve this problem of “seamless integration of web view into native apps” because they’re all focused on picking either 100% native or 100% HTML5 side.


Whenever you hear someone talk about the future of mobile apps, you would probably hear them talk about “Will it be the HTML5 approach that wins out? Or will it be native?”

每当您听到有人谈论移动应用程序的未来时,您可能就会听到他们谈论“将是HTML5的方法胜出吗? 还是本地的?”

None of them see native and html as something that could co-exist and furthermore, create synergy and achieve things that are not easily possible otherwise.


In this article I’m going to explain:


  • Why blending web engine and native components is often a good idea.

  • Why a seamless integration of HTML and Native is not easy, and how I implemented one.

  • Most importantly, how YOU can use it to build your own app instantly.


为什么要在本机应用程序中使用HTML? (Why would you use HTML in a native app?)

Before we go further, let’s first discuss whether this is even a good idea, and when you may want to take this approach. Here are some potential use cases:

在继续之前,我们先讨论一下这是否是个好主意,以及何时使用此方法。 以下是一些潜在的用例:

1.使用Web本机功能 (1. Use Web Native Features)

Some parts of your app may be better implemented using the web engine. For example, is a web-native feature that’s designed for the web environment. In this case it makes sense to use the built-in web engine (WKWebView for iOS and WebView for Android) instead of installing a 3rd party library that essentially “emulates” Websocket.

使用网络引擎可能会更好地实现您应用的某些部分。 例如, 是针对Web环境设计的Web原生功能。 在这种情况下,使用内置的Web引擎( 适用于iOS的WKWebView适用于Android的WebView )是有意义的,而不是安装本质上“模仿” Websocket的第三方库。

No need to install additional code just to do something that you can do for free, which brings us to the next point.


2.避免大二进制文件 (2. Avoid Large Binary Size)

You may want to quickly incorporate features that will otherwise require a huge 3rd party library.


For example, to incorporate a QR code image generator natively, you will need to install some 3rd party library which will increase the binary size. But if you use the web view engine and a JavaScript library through a simple <script src>, you get all that for free, and you don’t need to install any 3rd party native libraries.

例如,要在本地合并QR码图像生成器,您将需要安装一些第三方库,这会增加二进制文件的大小。 但是,如果您通过简单的<script s rc>使用Web视图引擎和JavaScript库,则可以免费获得所有内容,而无需安装任何第三方的本机库。

3.不存在可靠的移动图书馆 (3. No Reliable Mobile Library Exists)

For some cutting edge technologies, there is no reliable and stable mobile implementation yet.


Fortunately most of these technologies have web implementations, so the most efficient way to integrate them is to use their JavaScript library.


4.构建部分本地的,基于网络的应用 (4. Build part-native, part-web-based apps)

Many new developers looking to port their website into a mobile app get discouraged or overwhelmed when they find out some of their existing website features are too complex to quickly rewrite from scratch for each mobile platform.


For example, you may have a single web page that’s too complex to immediately convert to a mobile app, but the rest of your website may be easily converted.


In this case, it would be nice if there was a way to build most of the app natively, but for that particular complex web page, somehow seamlessly integrate it into the app as HTML.


它是如何工作的? (How does it work?)

贾森内特 (A. Jasonette)

Jasonette is an open source, markup-based approach to building cross-platform native apps.


It’s like a web browser, but instead of interpreting HTML markup into web pages, it interprets JSON markup into native apps on iOS and Android.


Just like how all web browsers have exactly the same code but can deliver you all kinds of different web apps by interpreting various HTML markup on demand, all Jasonette apps have exactly the same binary, and it interprets various JSON markup on demand to create your app. The developers never need to touch the code. Instead, you build apps by writing a markup that translates to native app in real-time.

就像所有网络浏览器具有完全相同的代码,但是可以通过按需解释各种HTML标记为您提供各种不同的Web应用程序一样,所有Jasonette应用程序都具有完全相同的二进制文件,并且可以按需解释各种JSON标记来创建您的应用程序。 开发人员无需触摸代码。 相反,您可以通过编写可实时转换为本地应用程序的标记来构建应用程序。

You can learn more about Jasonette .


While Jasonette at its core is all about building native apps, this particular article is about integrating HTML into the core native engine, so let’s talk about that.


B. Jasonette Web容器 (B. Jasonette Web Container)

Native apps are great but sometimes we need to make use of web features.


But integrating web views into a native app is a tricky business. A seamless integration requires:

但是将Web视图集成到本地应用程序中是一项棘手的工作。 无缝集成需要:

  1. Web view should be integrated as a part of native layout: The web view should blend into the app as a part of the native layout and is treated just like any other native UI components. Otherwise it will feel clunky, and it will feel exactly like what it is — a website.

    Web视图应作为本机布局的一部分集成: Web视图应作为本机布局的一部分融合到应用程序中,并且与其他任何本机UI组件一样被对待。 否则,它将感觉笨拙,并且会感觉完全像是一个网站。

  2. Parent app can control child web container: The parent app should be able to freely control the child web view.


  3. Child web container can trigger native events on the parent app: The child app should be able to trigger the parent app’s events to run native APIs.


These are a lot of work, so I first worked on only the first piece of the puzzle — simply embedding a web container into native layout — and released it as version 1:

这些工作量很大,因此我首先仅解决难题的第一部分- 只需将Web容器嵌入本机布局中 ,然后将其发布为版本1:

This was already pretty useful, but it still had the limitation of being non-interactive.


The parent app couldn’t control the child web container, and the child couldn’t notify the parent of any event, keeping the web container completely isolated from the outside world.


C. Jasonette Web容器2.0:使其具有交互性 (C. Jasonette Web Container 2.0: Make it Interactive)

After releasing version 1, I experimented with the second piece of the puzzle — adding interactivity to the web container.

发布版本1后,我尝试了第二个难题– 为Web容器增加了交互性。

The next section explains the solutions that were added to make the previously-static web containers interactive, making them significantly more powerful.


实施:交互式Web容器 (Implementation: Interactive Web Container)

1.通过URL加载 (1. Load by URL)

问题 (Problem)

Previously in version 1, to use web container as a background view component, you had to first like this:

在以前的版本1中,要将Web容器用作背景视图组件,必须首先像这样的 :

{  "$jason": {    "head": {      ...    },    "body": {      "background": {        "type": "html",        "text": "

Hello World

" } } }}

Naturally people wanted to be able to instantiate the container using simply a web URL instead of having to hardcode the entire HTML text in a single line.

自然,人们希望能够仅使用Web URL实例化容器,而不必在一行中对整个HTML文本进行硬编码。


Web container 2.0 has added the url attribute. You can embed a local file:// HTML like this (it loads from the local HTML file you ship with the app):

Web容器2.0已添加url属性。 您可以像这样嵌入本地file:// HTML(它会从与应用一起提供的本地HTML文件中加载):

{  "$jason": {    "head": {      ...    },    "body": {      "background": {        "type": "html",        "url": "file://index.html"      }    }  }}

Or embed a remote http[s]:// URL like this (it loads from a remote HTML):

或嵌入这样的远程http[s]:// URL(从远程HTML加载):

{  "$jason": {    "head": {      ...    },    "body": {      "background": {        "type": "html",        "url": "https://news.ycombinator.com"      }    }  }}

2.父应用程序<=> Web容器通信 (2. Parent App <=> Web Container Communication)

问题 (Problem)

Previously, web containers were only for displaying content, and not interactive. This meant NONE of the following was possible:

以前,Web容器仅用于显示内容,而不用于交互。 这意味着不可能执行以下操作:

  1. Jasonette => Web Container: Call JavaScript functions inside the web container from Jasonette.

    Jasonette => Web Container :从Jasonette调用Web容器内JavaScript函数。

  2. Web Container => Jasonette: Call native API from web container code.

    Web容器=> Jasonet te:从Web容器代码中调用本地API。

All you could do was display the web container. This was similar to how you would embed an iframe in a web page, but the main web page had no access to what was inside the iframe.

您所能做的就是显示Web容器。 这类似于将iframe嵌入网页中的方式,但是主网页无法访问iframe内部的内容。


The whole point of Jasonette is to design a standard markup language to describe cross platform mobile apps. In this case, we needed a markup language that could comprehensively describe communications between the parent app and the child web container.

Jasonette的全部重点是设计一种标准的标记语言来描述跨平台的移动应用程序。 在这种情况下,我们需要一种可以全面描述父应用程序和子Web容器之间的通信的标记语言。

To achieve this, I came up with a based communication channel between the parent app and the child web container. Since everything on Jasonette is expressed in JSON objects, it made perfect sense to use the JSON-RPC standard format as the communication protocol.

为此,我想出了父应用程序和子Web容器之间基于的通信通道。 由于Jasonette上的所有内容都以JSON对象表示,因此使用JSON-RPC标准格式作为通信协议是很有意义的。

To make a JavaScript function call into the web container, we declare an action called $agent.request:


{  "type": "$agent.request",  "options": {    "id": "$webcontainer",    "method": "login",    "params": ["username", "password"]  }}

is the native API that triggers a JSON-RPC request into the web container. To use it, we must pass an options object as its parameter.

是本机API,可触发JSON-RPC请求进入Web容器。 要使用它,我们必须传递一个options对象作为它的参数。

The options object is the actual that will be sent to the web container. Let’s look at what each attribute means:

options对象是将发送到Web容器的实际 。 让我们看一下每个属性的含义:

  • id: Web container is built on top of a lower level architecture called . Normally you can have multiple agents for a single view, and each agent can have its unique ID. But , which is why we use that ID here.

    id :Web容器建立在称为的较低级架构之上。 通常,一个视图可以有多个代理,每个代理可以有其唯一的ID。 但是 ,这就是我们在此处使用该ID的原因。

  • method: The JavaScript function name to call

    method :要调用JavaScript函数名称

  • params: The array of parameters to pass to the JavaScript function.

    params :传递给JavaScript函数的参数数组。

The full markup would look something like this:


{  "$jason": {    "head": {      "actions": {        "$load": {          "type": "$agent.request",          "options": {            "id": "$webcontainer",            "method": "login",            "params": ["alice", "1234"]          }        }      }    },    "body": {      "header": {        "title": "Web Container 2.0"      },      "background": {        "type": "html",        "url": "file://index.html"      }    }  }}

This markup is saying:


When the view loads (), make a JSON-RPC request into the web container agent () where the request is specified under options.

当视图加载( )时,向Web容器代理( )发出JSON-RPC请求,该请求在options下指定。

The web container is defined under , which in this case loads a local file called file://index.html.


It will look for a JavaScript function called login and pass the two arguments under params ( "alice" and "1234")

它将寻找一个名为loginJavaScript函数,并在params下传递两个参数( "alice""1234" )

login("alice", "1234")

I’ve only explained how the parent app can trigger the child web container’s JavaScript function calls, but you can also do the opposite and .

我仅说明了父应用程序如何触发子Web容器JavaScript函数调用,但是您也可以执行相反的操作,并 。

To learn more, check out the .

要了解更多信息,请查看 。


Let’s come back to the QR code example I briefly shared above:


  1. The .

  2. The QR code is generated by the web container .

    QR代码是由Web容器 。

  3. When a user enters something and presses “Generate,” it calls $agent.request action into the web container agent, calling the

    当用户输入内容并按“ Generate”时,它将在Web容器代理中调用$agent.request操作,并在调用

You can check out the example .


3.脚本注入 (3. Script Injection)

问题 (Problem)

Sometimes you may want to dynamically inject JavaScript code into the web container AFTER it’s finished loading the initial HTML.


Imagine you want to build a custom web browser app. You may want to inject your own custom JavaScript into every web view to customize the web view’s behavior, kind of like how web browser extensions work.

假设您要构建一个自定义Web浏览器应用程序。 您可能希望将自己的自定义JavaScript注入每个Web视图中,以自定义Web视图的行为,就像Web浏览器扩展的工作方式一样。

Even if you’re not building a web browser, you may want to use the script injection method whenever you want a custom behavior for a URL whose content you have no control over. The only way to communicate between the native app and the web container is through the $agent API. But if you can’t change the HTML content, the only way to add the $agent interface into the web container is through dynamic injection.

即使您不构建Web浏览器,也可能希望在您希望对其内容无法控制的URL进行自定义行为时使用脚本注入方法。 在本机应用程序和Web容器之间进行通信的唯一方法是通过$agent API。 但是,如果您无法更改HTML内容,则将$agent接口添加到Web容器的唯一方法是通过动态注入。


As mentioned in the previous section, the $jason.body.background web container is just another agent. This means you can use the same method available to regular agents.

如上一节所述, $jason.body.background Web容器只是另一个agent 。 这意味着您可以使用常规代理可用的相同方法。

4. URL单击处理 (4. URL Click Handling)

In the past, there were only two ways a web container could handle link clicks:


  1. Readonly: Treat the web container as readonly and ignore all events such as touch or scroll. All web containers are readonly unless you tell them to behave like a regular browser, as described below.

    只读:将Web容器视为只读,并忽略所有事件,例如触摸或滚动。 所有Web容器都是只读的,除非您告诉它们像常规浏览器一样运行,如下所述。

  2. Regular Browser Behavior: Let users interact with the page by behaving like a normal browser. You declare it by setting "type": "$default" as its action attribute.

    常规的浏览器行为:让用户可以像普通浏览器一样与页面进行交互。 您可以通过将"type": "$default"为其action属性来声明它。

问题 (Problem)

Both are “all or nothing” solutions.


  • In the “Readonly” case, all your interactions are completely ignored by the web container.

  • In the “Regular Browser Behavior” case, the web container functions literally as a browser. When you click a link, it would just send you to that link by refreshing the page just like a web page. There was no way to hijack the click and call some native API.

    在“常规浏览器行为”的情况下,Web容器实际上是充当浏览器。 当您单击链接时,它将像刷新网页一样通过刷新页面将您发送到该链接。 无法劫持点击并调用某些本机API。


With the new web container, you can now attach any action on the $jason.body.background web container to handle link click events.

使用新的Web容器,您现在可以在$jason.body.background Web容器上附加任何action来处理链接单击事件。

Let’s look at an example:


{  "$jason": {    "head": {      "actions": {        "displayBanner": {          "type": "$util.banner",          "options": {            "title": "Clicked",            "description": "Link {
{$jason.url}} clicked!" } } } }, "body": { "background": { "type": "html", "url": "file://index.html", "action": { "trigger": "displayBanner" } } } }}

Here we have attached "trigger": "displayBanner" to the web container. This means that when a user clicks any link in the web container, it will trigger displayBanner action instead of letting the web view handle it.

在这里,我们将"trigger": "displayBanner"附加到Web容器。 这意味着,当用户单击Web容器中的任何链接时,它将触发displayBanner操作,而不是让Web视图处理它。

Also, if you look at the displayBanner action, you’ll notice the $jason variable. In this case, the clicked link will be passed through the $jason variable. For example, if you clicked a URL named "https://google.com", the $jason will have the following value:

另外,如果查看displayBanner动作,您会注意到$jason变量。 在这种情况下,单击的链接将通过$jason变量传递。 例如,如果您单击名为"https://google.com"的URL,则$jason将具有以下值:

{  "url": "https://google.com"}

This means you can selectively trigger different actions by


Let’s take another example where we implement a custom web browser:


{  "$jason": {    "head": {      "actions": {        "handleLink": [{          "{
{#if $jason.url.indexOf('signin') !== -1 }}": { "type": "$href", "options": { "url": "file://key.html" } } }, { "{
{#else}}": { "type": "$default" } }] } }, "body": { "background": { "type": "html", "url": "file://index.html", "action": { "trigger": "handleLink" } } } }}

We test if the URL contains the string signin and then run two different actions depending on the result.

我们测试URL是否包含字符串signin ,然后根据结果运行两个不同的操作。

  1. If it contains signin, it opens a new view to take care of signing in natively.

    如果包含signin ,它将打开一个新视图以照顾本地登录。

  2. If it doesn’t contain signin, just run the "type": "$default" action so that it behaves like a regular browser.

    如果它不包含signin ,只需运行"type": "$default"操作,使其表现得像普通浏览器。

用法示例 (Example Usage)

构建自定义的Web浏览器 (Building a custom web browser)

We can now take advantage of the fact that the new web container can:


  1. Take a url attribute to load itself, functioning as a full-fledged browser


  2. Selectively handle link clicks depending on the URL


We can even build a custom web browser app with just a dozen lines of JSON. Since we can now hijack every link click, we can take a look at $jason.url and run whatever actions we want depending on the URL.

我们甚至可以只用十几行JSON构建自定义的Web浏览器应用程序。 由于我们现在可以劫持每个链接单击,因此我们可以查看$jason.url并根据URL进行所需的任何操作。

For example, take a look at the example below:


On the left side we see that clicking a link behaves like a regular browser ("type": "$default")

在左侧,我们看到单击链接的行为类似于常规浏览器( "type": "$default" )

On the right side we see that clicking a link does a native transition to another JASON view.


All this can be achieved by selectively triggering different actions based on $jason.url.


Step 1. Attach an action named visit to the web container like this:


{  ...  "body": {    "background": {      "type": "html",      "url": "https://news.ycombinator.com",      "action": {        "trigger": "visit"      }    }  }}

Step 2. Run relevant actions inside visit, based on $jason.url


In the following code, we’re checking if $jason.url matches newest, show, ask, and so on (they’re the top menu item links). If they do, we let the web container behave like a regular browser by setting "type": "$default"

在下面的代码中,我们正在检查$jason.url匹配newestshowask等(它们是顶部菜单项的链接)。 如果这样做,我们可以通过设置"type": "$default"使Web容器像常规浏览器一样工作

If they don’t match the pattern, we make a native $href transition to a new view and pass the clicked link as a parameter.


..."actions": {  "visit": [    {      "{
{#if /\\/(newest|show|ask)$/.test($jason.url) }}": { "type": "$default" } }, { "{
{#else}}": { "type": "$href", "options": { "url": "https://jasonette.github.io/Jasonpedia/webcontainer/agent/hijack.json", "preload": { "background": "#ffffff" }, "options": { "url": "{
{$jason.url}}" } } } } ]},

Check out the full JSON markup for the web browser (it’s only 48 lines!).


即时的“混合”应用 (Instant “Hybrid” App)

When people normally talk about “hybrid” apps, they mostly mean HTML web apps wrapped inside a native app frame.

人们通常谈论“混合”应用程序时,通常指的是将HTML Web应用程序包装在本机应用程序框架中。

But that’s not what I mean here. When I say “Hybrid,” I mean a truly hybrid app, where one app can have multiple native views and multiple web-based views simultaneously. Also where one view can have multiple native UI components and a web container rendered in the same native layout.

但这不是我的意思。 当我说“ Hybrid”时,是指真正的混合应用程序,其中一个应用程序可以同时具有多个本机视图和多个基于Web的视图。 同样,一个视图可以具有以相同的本机布局呈现的多个本机UI组件和一个Web容器。

The cross-over between web-based view and native view should be so seamless that it’s hard to tell where one starts and ends.


In this example, I’ve created an app that displays in a web container as the home view.


Jasonbase is a free JSON hosting service I built to easily host JSON markup for Jasonette apps.


Naturally, it’s just a website, but I have embedded it in Jasonette so that when you click the link, instead of opening a web page, it makes a native $href transition to a native JASON view.


I didn’t have to touch any of Jasonbase.com’s code to build this app.


I simply embedded the website into Jasonette as a web container, and hijacked the link clicks to handle them natively, so it can do all the native stuff like triggering native APIs and making native transitions.


You can check out the code .


结论 (Conclusion)

In my opinion, what makes all this work fabulously is that everything is taken care of on the framework level. All the hard work is taken care of behind the scenes.

我认为,使所有这些工作变得如此出色的原因是, 所有事情都在框架级别得到了照顾 。 所有的辛苦工作都在后台进行。

Instead of putting the burden on the app developers to implement all of the following from scratch:


  • Embed a webview into native layout

  • Create a JavaScript bridge so the app can make function calls into the web view

  • Creating a native event handling architecture so the web view can trigger native events on the parent app


The solution was to create an abstraction made up of:


  1. Declarative Markup Language: for describing how to embed a web view into a native app


  2. Communication Protocol (JSON-RPC): to allow dead-simple interactions between the app and its child web views.


I don’t claim this approach to be the ultimate solution to solve everything, but I’m happy to say that this has been a great solution for my own use case.


I was trying to build an app that builds on a super edge technology which has no stable and reliable mobile implementations (and it’s not clear if there ever will be a mobile implementation due to the protocol’s nature). Thankfully it had JavaScript implementations so I could easily integrate it into the app without hassle.

我试图构建一个基于超级边缘技术的应用程序,该技术没有稳定可靠的移动实现(由于协议的性质,目前尚不清楚是否会有移动实现)。 幸运的是,它具有JavaScript实现,因此我可以轻松地将其集成到应用程序中。

Overall, it’s been great and I’m satisfied with how it turned out. to reflect all the new features, so feel free to dig in and play around.

总的来说,这很棒,我对结果感到满意。 可以反映所有新功能,因此可以随时进行探索和探索。

Disclaimer: With great power comes great responsibility

I would like to end with a disclaimer: as great as this newly found power is, I think you need to keep a balance to build an app with a great user experience.


Some may take this and build an entire app using web views only, but then you will end up with an app that’s basically just a website, which defeats the purpose of building a dedicated app.


I emphasize that I’m not saying you should always build apps with both HTML and native. I am saying this can be very useful for many people in different situations. Just don’t go overboard with it.

我要强调的是,我并不是说您应该始终使用HTML和本机构建应用程序。 我是说这对处于不同情况下的许多人非常有用。 只是不要太过分。

Follow Along to Learn More

There are many different configurations in which the Jasonette native core and its child web container can communicate to get things done in creative and powerful ways, and this post is just scratching the surface.


Going forward I’m planning to share more of these use cases and tutorials, so if you’re interested, please follow along on or .

展望未来,我打算分享更多这些用例和教程,因此,如果您有兴趣,请继续使用或 。




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